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Justification? of Abeer

A US soldier has been sentenced to 100 years in prison for the gang rape of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and the killing of her and her family. 100 HUNDRED YEARS screams the first line of this article but only after further reading does the reader find out the real length of the sentence. 10, yes TEN years for a vicious gang rape and murder of Abeer, a girl who was only 14 years old and her family.,,


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Justification? of Abeer

Arab bARABie blog


February 23, 2007

BBC: US soldier jailed for Iraq murder

Note: bARABie's comments in red

A US soldier has been sentenced to 100 years in prison for the gang rape of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and the killing of her and her family.

100 HUNDRED YEARS screams the first line of this article but only after further reading does the reader find out the real length of the sentence. 10, yes TEN years for a vicious gang rape and murder of Abeer, a girl who was only 14 years old and her family.

Sgt Paul Cortez admitted four murders, rape and conspiracy to rape. His plea meant he avoided the death penalty.

Does this send the following message to American troops, "you may commit a crime and IF your crimes are exposed, plead guilty and receive a slap on the wrist"?

He received a dishonourable discharge and will be eligible to seek parole in 10 years.

Receiving a dishonorable discharge means what exactly and to whom? Is that how you punish such heinous crimes with a discharge AND TEN years. Ten years is a slap in the face for Abeer and her family, it wasn't enough that they raped and murdered Abeer, now they insult her with a shameful sentence.

In November, Specialist James Barker, 24, admitted rape and murder over the killings and was jailed for 90 years.

This "IT" receives 90 years, does that translate to NINE (9) years before the animal is allowed to roam the streets?

In court on Thursday, Cortez broke down as he confessed to raping the girl as her parents and sister were shot dead in another room.

Now the BBC writer is trying to humanize this murdering pedophile rapist, look he cried.

The case is one of several in which US troops are accused of killing Iraqis.

The reader is being led to believe that there are checks and balances which uncover and prosecute these heinous crimes but in actual fact the truth did not come from the perpetrators but from a soldier they bragged to.

According to the plea agreement, Cortez admitted conspiring with three other soldiers, Private First Class Jesse Spielman, Specialist Barker and Steven Green, a now discharged soldier, to rape Abeer Qassim al-Janabi.

Throughout this ordeal news outlets like the BBC have tried to portray this as an isolated incident, carried out or instigated by green the mentally unstable EX soldier. Do you see how they tried to cover all the bases, one it's by someone mad, two by someone who doesn't have access to Iraqi children as he is an EX soldier, three it was his idea alone and they went along.
What they all forget when peddling that story is there was soldiers with higher ranking than Green present.

Card game

Pte Spielman and another man, Bryan Howard, are awaiting court martial on charges related to the attack.

If they are pleading guilty, what are they waiting for?

Mr Green is being tried as a civilian because he was discharged from the army before his superiors knew of his suspected involvement. He denies the charges against him.

Does the reader notice the magical word "suspected" here? Throughout the article we are told how sorry some are and how one "cried" and how they ADMITTED to their barbaric actions but still the BBC sees fit to use the word "suspected". Readers familiar with my article "deconstructing the BBC rape story" will recall how the same BBC did not use "suspected" or "allegedly" when trying to demonize Sabreen.

All five belonged to the 101st Airborne Division based at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, which is also where the hearing took place.

If these pedophiles committed their atrocities in Iraq and Iraq's Judicial system sufficed for Saddam Hussein, why are these animals not being tried in Iraq?

In court, Cortez admitted the plan was hatched as they played cards and that the girl had been targeted because there was only one male in her house, making it an easy target.

The third last word of this article is the most disgusting of all, "IT"!
The BBC writer couldn't even use Abeer's name, preferring to refer to the massacre as "IT".
The word "IT" doesn't personalize Abeer in the minds of the reader, the word RAPE would also have invoked images. Following are just some examples of what word the writer may have used that would have been much more appropriate, "
abate, abolish, abrogate, annul, blot out, crush, decimate, demolish, do in, eradicate, erase, expunge, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, finish off, invalidate, liquidate, massacre, murder, negate, nullify, obliterate, quash, quell, raze, rub out*, ruin, slaughter, take out, undo, vitiate, wipe out, wrack",

BBC you should be ashamed of using "IT".

Original article here

:: Article nr. 30881 sent on 24-feb-2007 01:42 ECT


Link: barabie.blogspot.com/2007/02/justification-of-abeer.html

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